The first weekend of June, we declared it to be the beginning of the summer and decided the most appropriate way to celebrate would be to explore the infamous Coney Island. We'd heard that it had been renovated and not as ghetto as it used to be, so why not? So Leticia, Andrew and our new friend Loy made the epic journey to the bottom tip of Brooklyn.
HIGHS: Loy has a car-- 'nough said. Car > 32 stops on the subway; Corndogs; A roller coaster you ride lying down on your stomach!
LOWS: The Cyclone was like all the bad parts of the Texas Giant but no redeeming qualities. Translation-- I needed a neck brace after the ride. And some Dramamine. I'm also not sure what exactly was renovated because Coney Island was some kind of ROUGH. But I guess I didn't fall through the boardwalk or get shot, so that's something?
Pic from the Boardwalk
Hot/Corn Dogs... Duh.
REAL important to stay seated... I mean you wouldn't want your neck to hurt.
Andrew and Leticia on the swings
The Coney Island trip was such a great start to the official NYC summer. Too bad we all decided to wander around the country/world for the next two months before we hung out again! All in all, I would say Coney Island was absolutely worth the trek (mainly because I was in an air-conditioned car) but I would have appreciated a strong warning regarding the Cyclone situation. But I mean, I'd probably do it again for the corn dog... just sayin.