Saturday, October 1, 2011

Movin' On Up... Er... Over?

I know after the last couple of posts you were all probably on the edge of your seats-- Will they move? Did eight more natural disasters occur the next week? Will they recover from their junk food coma? But I am happy to report that we DID in fact get moved, no more natural disasters have occurred (unless you call all of my clients forgetting to wear pants last weekend when I went to their homes a natural disaster... which I think I might) and I may never recover from the Irene Junk Food Influx of '11, but it was totally worth it.

So without further adieu... let me introduce you to Apt. 3I (the letter-- not the number-- it's already annoying) that is my and Janell's Brooklyn abode....


This is our tiny tiny closet in which we have attempted to store everything possible after being allowed to spread out over some massive square footage in Queens. Yes friends, we moved into a smaller, more expensive apartment... by choice. It's the New York way apparently.
Our tiny but cute linen closets! (We have lots of towels-- so come and visit! Our towel collection makes up for our lack of sleeping space, I suppose?)
This is how I let you into the apartment. Or the Thai food delivery man. Whatever.
Behold the kitchen. I love it. It has that great bar and behold beneath the sink to the left, what do you see? That's right... it's a DISHWASHER. I know I know-- crazy.
Also please note to the right on the bar the stack of coupons. I have channeled my childhood Sunday past-time of clipping coupons, and I love it. Hey, you don't get to sit this pretty buying paper towels at full price!

This is an overview shot of the kitchen/dining room/living room. You can cross the area in about six big steps. So while it's not ideal for playing "Mother May I?", it's cozy and nice but open enough to host some little parties! And ones that people might actually attend, since we don't live in no-mans-land anymore :)

The dining room... and TV. Also to the right you'll notice our giant air conditioning unit directly next to the heater. Why not just combine all the eye sores into one central location? I mean seriously-- WHERE do you store an A/C unit?! Perhaps there's space in that linen closet.

Just in case we forgot we live in New York, we have the pics about the couch to remind us. Our dear friend Angie took those pics and they're awesome :)
Also you can see the coat rack that remains up all year... with all the coats still on.
See storage question above.

Our little bathroom.

I know I know, two grown women living Lucy/Ricky style may appear a little strange...
See above remark about the NYC way. Hey, it works!

The other side of the room. That back corner are some things yet to be unpacked... slash we may need to start storing things in the hallway.

All my sarcastic comments aside, I absolutely love this apartment. I may have to eat cereal for two of my three meals a day to afford it, but the location is great and coming home is no longer and hour plus affair, which makes it all worth it! So.. go ahead and book those plane tickets and come see the awesomeness for yourselves :)

1 comment:

  1. So excited to come visit...sometime. It looks so great!!!
