Saturday, August 27, 2011


We're totally prepared for this thing. Today we've been on at least four "walks"... which turn into trips to the grocery store for "just a few more things... you know.. JUST IN CASE". Obviously the items pictured below are exactly what you need in a state of emergency.

We watched some news for a little while but quickly got bored and turned to Punky Brewster Season One and Supermarket Sweep clips on YouTube. They have the entire episodes! It's just like 1999... check it out. We're trying to soak in as much Netflix/DVD/Internet time we can until the power inevitably cuts off. Then I guess we'll resort to puzzles... and conversation.

Note the suitcases. Yep... we're still packed and ready to move. Someday... someday it will happen.


  1. OH MY GOSH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THERE WERE WHOLE EPISODES OF SUPERMARKET SWEEP ON THE YOUTUBE?????? I guess this was your test to make sure I'm a faithful follower - WHICH I OBVIOUSLY AM. Anyway, you've changed my life. SUPERMARKET SWEEP MARATHON TONIGHT!!!!! I wonder if they sell the seasons somewhere...

  2. one month. tell us about your new place!!
